The cost of living has increased on Long Island and throughout the nation causing many to find it increasingly difficult to make ends meet. While we all want to donate with a generous hand, it’s important to know exactly where our dollars go and who they are helping.
The Catholic Ministries Appeal funds many ministries in the Diocese of Rockville Centre. Your donated dollars go directly toward funding ministries such as Campus Ministry, Young Adult Ministry, Youth Ministry, Catholic Charities, Faith Formation, Respect Life, Vocations, and Multi-Cultural Diversity.
But where and how you may ask is this money used?
A Place To Worship
Campus Ministry connects students with a Catholic community on campus, so their faith thrives in college and beyond. At one of the campuses on Long Island, students didn’t have a sacred place to pray so they worked together with our Office of Campus Ministry to convert a storage closet into a chapel.

Growing Faith
The CMA funds Faith Formation programs that include baptismal, pre-Cana, and RCIA programs. By providing leadership training, guidance, evaluation, resources, and programming, The Office of Faith Formation strives to support our pastors, clergy, catechetical lay leaders, and volunteers in their efforts to be joyful, hopeful witnesses to the Gospel and agents of evangelization.
Supporting our Seminarians
Your gift of $1,000 may help support the formation of our Seminarians. Ordained in 2014, Fr. Joseph Scolaro answered the call to serve when he began the program of priestly formation at the Seminary of the Immaculate Conception in 2010. “I know firsthand how important the Catholic Ministries Appeal is. It helped to support my formation and gave me the freedom to really focus on my studies. Now as a Priest in the Diocese, I feel blessed that God has chosen me to make the Body and Blood of Christ present on the altar and to bring that gift to the people, bring God to the people – the same people who helped to bring me to this point by their support.” -Father Scolaro

Healing After Loss
Project Rachel is a dedicated network of specially trained and compassionate caregivers who are ready to offer support to those who have experienced the pain of abortion loss. With a deep understanding of the emotional and spiritual turmoil that individuals may go through, this project provides a safe and non-judgmental space where healing and restoration can begin. Their commitment to helping those in need is a testament to the power of empathy and understanding the process of recovery. "They couldn’t have been more kind or loving. Thanks to Project Rachel, I am me again. I know now that God was there, all along, offering His love." -anonymous
Paying Forward
"My support of the Catholic Ministries Appeal is based on one philosophy: Paying Forward. While growing up, my mom always taught us that if God has been good to us, we should share our blessings with others. The Catholic Ministries Appeal reminds us that when the Lord was on earth, he fed the hungry. And we feed the hungry in so many ways. We not only provide for their basic needs, but we also provide for their spiritual needs. The Catholic Ministries Appeal responds to so many needs on Long Island and if it weren't there, so many people would be without basic needs." -Marcy