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  • Writer's pictureCatholic Ministries Appeal

Thanks to Your Support We Are Able To Help Dads In Need

Every day, people in our community are helped because of support from funds raised through the Catholic Ministries Appeal. Today, consider a dad like Paul. Paul saw information about the Catholic Ministries Appeal at his local parish, and he knew he had to turn to the Church for help since he had nowhere else to go.

Paul had been gainfully employed for more than 10 years when he began to fall ill. Soon his medical issues made it impossible for him to keep working and he was forced to go out on disability. After paying the co-pays on his medications, his family's rent, and utility

bills, Paul had very little left to purchase food and other necessities for his family. It was hard for him to ask for help, but with nowhere else to turn, he did.

Catholic Charities found him a specialist who assessed the family's needs and directed them to appropriate resources in their community. He went to his Parish Outreach, where his family received food that allowed them to make it through the month. Paul and his family received the help they so desperately needed. Today, Paul is back to work and the family is doing well. "I am so thankful that I know there is somewhere I can turn, where there are people that care, people, I can talk to, if I am ever in such a situation again, " shared Paul.

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