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  • Writer's pictureCatholic Ministries Appeal

Saint Mother Teresa of Calcutta: A Guiding Light

Saint Teresa of Calcutta once said "If you can't feed a hundred people, then just feed one." That impactful sentiment is a wonderful reminder that we as individuals really can make a difference in helping others. While small stones still make ripples in a pond, small acts of love and nominal donations go a long way.

Saint Mother Teresa of Calcutta

At the CMA, we are inspired by many saints, but Saint Teresa’s compassion and humility stand out as a profound example. Her life of selfless service and unwavering dedication to the poorest of the poor motivates us to approach our mission with the same spirit of love and humility. Her example teaches us that even the smallest acts of kindness, done with great love, can significantly affect those we serve.


An Example of Service and Compassion

Mother Teresa’s mission was grounded in deep faith and love for the destitute and marginalized. Despite her humble means, she founded the Missionaries of Charity, creating a network of homes and hospitals dedicated to those in need.


Inspiration for Generosity

Saint Mother Teresa’s words, “Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love,” resonate deeply with our call to service. She demonstrates that true charity is not about the scale of our contributions but the depth of our love and commitment. Her life reminds us that each of us has the power to make a meaningful impact through acts of generosity and service.


As we reflect on her life, let us be inspired to follow her example. By embracing her spirit of love and dedication, we can make a lasting difference in our communities and in the lives of those we serve.


“Love begins at home, and it is not how much we do, but how much love we put in that action.” -Saint Teresa of Calcutta

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