Parish Social Ministries (PSM) serve as a safety net for families who are going through difficult times.
After being a successful business owner out of state, difficulties made it impossible for Jean to live where she was. She took her children and moved to Long Island to be near family and restart their lives.
She joined Our Lady Queen of Martyrs in Centerport and learned of their many programs. She visited the pantry and was given so many resources for her family to get back on their feet.

Since she often volunteered in her last community, Jean understood the importance of giving back. She became a Core Worker of the parish’s PSM, managing the clothing ministry and pantry, and today, back on her feet, she is a lead counselor of the group Healing Hearts.
“PSM was there to uplift my children and me; it was a great opportunity to meet
parishioners and leaders at church. Helping others with the love and care that I received has helped me to grow in my faith”