A vital member of the team is Tanner Zalud, Parish Development Coordinator. Tanner has been working with the Diocese of Rockville Centre for 5 years as a part of both the Catholic Ministries Appeal office and the Office of Stewardship. Today we had the privilege of sitting with Tanner to ask him a few questions about his work.

What made you want to work at the CMA?
I always wanted to work for the Catholic Church and help spread the Good News and build up the Church on Long Island. I hope that I have done my best, these past five years, to help those in need (through the Catholic Ministries Appeal) and to perhaps bring others back to Mass or help them deepen their faith (through both the work of the Catholic Ministries Appeal and my work with the Stewardship office). Even if I could have helped just one person or have been involved in at least one person making a sacrificial gift to the Church, that would mean a lot to me! I love the Church and hope to always be at her service in some way.
Why are you so passionate about your faith and helping others?
I’m very passionate about my Faith because I truly believe this is the Faith handed down from Jesus to His Apostles- that this is the One, True Church. I enjoy helping people because it feels so good to give and help others.
How has your family helped you grow in your faith?
My family has helped me grow in my Faith because when I look at my family, I cannot help but see all the blessings God has given me. If I could recommend one thing to any parent out there who may be reading this, it is to have a Mass said for your children. I one time heard a priest suggest that during his homily and that suggestion has stuck with me ever since. It is such a gift to give to your children (and any loved ones for that matter!).
Is there any one ministry that the CMA supports that you feel more passionate about and why?
I really love the work of the Human Life, Family, and Bioethics office. I love the work they do to protect life in the womb and to care for young mothers out there who need help. It is such a loving ministry and all the people involved in that office are such caring people whose work touches so many lives for generations to come.
Watch the recent interview with Tanner on CFN here: https://vimeo.com/851697729?share=copy
If you have any questions for Tanner, or would like to meet more of our team, drop us an email at CMANews@drvc.org