What is Faith? According to the Bible, "Faith is the realization of what is hoped for and evidence of things not seen." (Hebrews 11:1) Are we born with faith, or is it taught to us?
Growing up, we often place our faith in our parents, trusting that they will care for us, provide for us, love us, and guide us. A parent's role is to nurture and support their children through life's journey. In a Catholic family, parents also play a crucial role in nurturing our faith, instilling in us a belief in God, and preparing us to be faithful Catholics.

Did you know that the church offers many ways to help us grow in faith that goes beyond our families' influence? These include:
Sacraments: Through the sacraments, particularly Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist, the church offers profound encounters with God's grace. These sacramental experiences strengthen our faith and deepen our relationship with God.
“Being involved in the Baptism Preparation program has been wonderful! It has been an opportunity for us to talk to other parents about raising our children Catholic and bringing them into the Church.” -Lauren
Community: The church is a community of believers united in faith. Participating in Mass, joining parish groups and ministries, and engaging in fellowship with other Catholics nourish our faith through shared experiences, mutual support, and collective worship.
Catechesis: Formal instruction in the teachings of the Catholic faith, whether through religious education programs, RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults), or adult faith formation classes, deepens our understanding of Catholic doctrine and helps us grow in faith. Catechists echo the word of God to others to deepen their understanding and lead them to a deeper conversion of heart and mind to God.
“Being a Catechist is a huge source of enjoyment and fulfillment for me. I can’t think of a better way to serve God than to pass on my faith to children who are so beautifully innocent, genuine, and accepting.” – Helen
Guidance: Faith Formation provides marriage enrichment programs that support couples -- the love between spouses in marriage reflects the love of Christ for the Church. It also provides support to parish teams who assist young couples who are preparing for the Sacrament of Marriage.
Faith is both a blessing and a gift, meant to be cherished and utilized to draw closer to God. Just like any gift, we should also share our faith with others!